Integrated Facility Management

The Smartest Approach to Managing Facilities

When you’re ready to benefit from more value, efficiency and simplicity, we self-deliver all of your facility management (FM) components under one contract. With one, integrated facility management (IFM) approach, we can help you improve customer experience, optimize how your space is used and, ultimately, lower the total cost of ownership.

Integrated Facility Management

IFM vs. FM - What's the Difference?

The IFM approach consolidates all the FM efforts under one united team – a team that is integrated and performs the work collaboratively – as opposed to managing multiple vendors and contractors, you have one dedicated facility partner.

Benefits of IFM

The Benefits of Integrated Facility Management

What are the benefits of integrated facility management and why is it growing in popularity? When you leverage the power of one provider through IFM the benefits are endless, but let's highlight 5 real benefits that you can be certain of when you transition to an integrated approach.

10 IFM Best Practices

10 IFM Best Practices

Whether youʼre a new facility manager or a seasoned professional, integrated facilities management is a field that requires continuous education. To stay competitive, it's best to be on top of the latest best practices and technology.

Interested in learning more?
Check out our ultimate guide to integrated facilities management

Let’s make your place better, together.

Our experts will work with you to determine the best solution for your facility. Reach out; we're ready to help.